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Ladies Ministry

Ladies Ministry

In the scriptures we see how God placed women together in relationships to encourage one another and provide a place of
retreat. Just as God sent Mary to Elizabeth and Ruth to Naomi, He continues to place women together for mutual
support, accountability and friendship (Luke 1:39-56 & Ruth 1:7-22). It is with this in mind, that the Ladies Ministry
of Central New Testament Church of God meet monthly to share, celebrate, and fellowship with one another.

I am so happy that as Ladies of this church we call all come together through common issues, challenges, and victories to share
our testimonies and to express how God has helped us to progress.


The mission of the Ladies Ministry is to promote a lifestyle of prayer, praise, and fellowship through service to others; to grow
through the spiritual realm of God, while promoting our educational, financial, health and wellness, recreational, social and emotional needs. Futhermore, through our
support groups we will be able to:
* Enable the ladies to establish and strengthen their relationship with Christ.
* Develop meaningful Christian friendships through social interactions.
* Encourage and equip the ladies to discover that through their challenges and issues there is still hope.
* To provide support through, fellowship, mentorship, and expert advice.